The Rolling Stones said it best; "You can't always get what you want/But if you try sometimes, well, you might find/You get what you need". What I want for this site/portfolio/blog/thingy is a bunch of random things all at once: I'd like for MMP to be informative and educate people on random bits and bobs in, at least, every other post. Maybe entertain people with my quick wit and savage good looks😎. Or not. And, of COURSE, show off my mediocre talent as an artist in the slim hopes of making some pocket change to possibly buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Someday...someday I will taste the nectar of the middle class gods! 😂 But, overall, I'm just doing what I enjoy. And that's a LOT harder than most people realize, or, more likely, want to even think for more than a second or two about.
I wasn't necessarily part of the days where artists of ALL kinds would have to lug around briefcases, folders, and such around FILLED with their crafted items and, essentially, go door to door to every - and I mean EVERY - relevant business and in person market their skills in their respected industries. Alot of people don't realize that nearly every creative professional HAD to do this for generations - singers/song writers, clothing designers, architectural engineers, and, of course, traditional artists. Even in the days of colored TV, rock and roll and SpongeBob SquarePants did many a creative have to resort to putting foot to pavement and hocking their literal selves in the hopes of finding paying work. And, sure, it sounds like a nightmare but, honestly? I looked forward to that starting out!
Meeting people face to face, showing them what you can do, basically daring them to try you out and prove you don't have what it takes to get the job done - I LOVED that kind of thing. There've been so many times where I've been in such a situation and, when I showed people what I could do (not just as an artist on paper, but as a creative/problem solving type of mind), I not only loved the looks that some people would give me (from being impressed to sometimes even being pissed that I did the deed and did it past their expectations), but, I felt a lighter as a person. If you're not familiar with the Titan Atlas, he was punished by Zeus to hold up the Earth for eternity. I would feel like the world was lifted off my shoulders whenever I would prove to people (especially those that doubted me) that I could actually do something and see their reactions. Probably called an ego boost or something to that effect 😂.
Sad thing is, you can't get such satisfaction via online. Nobody can actually tell what another person or a group of people are really thinking or feeling just by going by some highlighted hearts, a bunch of random emoji's, or even explicitly typed out words that say "THIS IS AMAZING!". Not just because of the influx of bots or ai crapsters either. Real, live, breathing human beings lie, cheat, steal, pretend, and will do just about ANYTHING for a buck. I, personally, had a job through Amazon where I was actually paid to give positive reviews on items sent to me. (Didn't last long cause it was boring and, for legal purposes, I will say that Amazon/others did not explicitly tell me or others to say strictly positive reviews for money. But, yea. We all know the gist of situations like that I hope 😂). So, people in the digital world aren't as perceptive as they are in person.
So, what does all that have to do with MMP? Well, I don't really know 😂. I am a rambler/talker, so get used to things not making sense! But, honestly, I do try to curb it a bit. Just not on these posts. These are rambling-dumpster-fire posts! 😂 Sarcasm aside, I guess it all means that I find it more difficult to showcase things virtually than I do in person simply because I can't rally gauge if someone is genuinely impressed or interested in my work, vs them just being indifferent or nice out of politeness or, worse, out of being a backhanded complimenter (I don't like people like that even in person, honestly. Just simply rude.). I much prefer to be able to see a persons first initial reaction and gauge on their honest opinions vs worrying about the internet saving whatever comments they say and resurrecting them 10-15 years later. Guess I'm too old for that nonsense 😂.
What I intend to focus on including on MMP are, of course, my individual art posts but, when I can suffer the rabbit hole that is the internet, I also want to include extra material for each post: maybe some history behind the subject matter andor medium I chose, some fun ideas/tips (in the Tips page of course 😂) for projects for myself andor others to try, things like that. When I'm making some projects I always try to keep an open mind and represent something - a person, a place, an event, something interesting and fun - to keep myself and possibly others more invested in the project. The word some being underlined because, alot of the time, I don't actually have a say in the overall design/theme of the project. It decides that WAY before I even know how to do what I eventually do 😂. That's why I've always stood by the stance that creative art of any kind is like giving birth: you suffer through seemingly endless hours and HOURS of birthing a new life, only to all too quickly find out that the life you birthed had a will of its own all along 😂. We get deep here at MMP! 😂
What I also plan to focus on including are videos - how to's, tutorials, and of course speed paintings. I enjoy watching similar videos (or content to sound like a snob 😂) online, but I also don't like watching them because they give me WAY too many new ideas for projects and I don't need any more ideas! 😂 So, I would consider that a win to some level if I inspired someone else to make something based off of what I've done. There's also the community factor that I would like to have through MMP, although, again to be honest, community these days feels like the worst curse word in modern day history. Community has so much baggage and stress and yuck these days that it's really lost any real sense of its original meaning to me. It's always drama and out fighting and in fighting and denial and yuck that I just am done with. 😂 I'm too old for community I think. Friends? Sure! Associates? All aboard! Fans? Righteous! Community?