If you're any type of creative person - from musician to clothing designer, fine artist to website designer - I'm willing to bet you've heard words like
niche and
target audience. I know I sure have. And, honestly, they drive me bonkers. Not because I don't want to think about such things or even because I can't overly define what those things are, it's mostly because they both have always given off a sense of pretentiousness to me.
I went to the library today, one of my many addiction-densπ, and checked out a couple of books on marketing and selling for artists. One of the books, Sell Online Like a Creative Genius by Brainard Carey (awesome first nameπ), has a section that gives off that pretentiousness vibe to me. And, what doesn't bode well for the book is that it's only the fourth page of the first chapter. Here's what Mr. Carey (not Drew Careyπ) has to say;
If you're selling art, it may also seem like everyone can buy art, but there is an age demographic there, too. Perhaps there is an education demographic as well because buying art is a bit sophisticated on one level--to understand why something is beautiful and of value as an artwork is not an easy evaluation to make as a buyer. It often takes an education to understand art and to make a decision about buying it. You have to have a form of "visual literacy." All of these are parameters you need to take into account when deciding who your audience really is.
There's alot I have a problem with in this small paragraph, naturally. Call me opinionated, argumentative, even an idealist doesn't make much of a difference to meπ. But, lets break it down and add my two cents.
... there is an age demographic there, too.
So, only "old people" can buy art? People in their 20's, 30's, 40's can't buy art? They don't have jobs, make money, have interests and tastes that would allow them or even encourage them to make purchases? No one under the age of, say, 65, dates or has spouses, parents, siblings or friends that would have birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, births, or any other special event or holiday that would provide an opportunity to purchase art as a gift? The ageism mentality has always been a hot button/trigger for me, even as a kid. It makes no sense to me, and never has.
Perhaps there is an education demographic as well because buying art is a bit sophisticated on one level--to understand why something is beautiful and of value as an artwork is not an easy evaluation to make as a buyer.
Did this not sound pretentious to the author, editor or anyone else? "buying art is a bit sophisticated"? So, only "super smart and well educated" people can buy art? Has Mr. Carey never been to an art hop/event before? I don't think you need to have a PHD or Doctorate to buy a beaded purse, sculpture of a dolphin breaching from the waves, or a painting of deer in the woods in the middle of winter. If you do, there's a BUTTLOAD of dumb smart people in the worldπ. And what happened to the whole "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" mindset amongst the art world? Now you need an in-depth education to have an individual interest and individual opinion on what YOU find beautiful, at least to the point of buying a hand made item at a craft fair at your local church? I mean, really? That seems pretty heavy to me.
You have to have a form of "visual-literacy."
I've never said I'm a great artist or even highly skilled or talented at making art, and yet I am still an artist. But, do I possess "a form of 'visual-literacy'"? No ideaπ. I know what I
personally feel looks good, interesting and is a
work of art. Did I go to art school and study art specifically to learn these
personal opinions? Nope. I did go to college, but it was a standard university and a standard college (I went to two) and not focused on art specifically.
Overall, yea, I'm not a big fan of this strange, yet common, mindset amongst some artists and art teachers (not just those who teach how to make specific types of art, but those who teach you how to be an artist). And, sure, I can understand the need to understand who buys your art and, maybe, why they buy it, but is it really that necessary to be so segregative and, well, mean? I don't care if a college grad or a preschool grad buys my artwork. If they see something, anything, in even one of my works that they like - could be the colors, the shapes, the model, the supposed message or the inferred meaning, or it was simply an impulse buy because they were just in the mood to buy it - then I'm happy. That's plenty for me as an artist.
In fact, I'd more than likely hate it if my work ended up being something like those works where people only care about who made it simply because it's an "investment" and not something to even look at. Sure, they hang it up in their hallway or living room to show off to friends and work-snobs, but it's not because they actually care about the art itself or what it means to them. It's more of a "look at this REALLY expensive item I own. It increases my investment portfolio by $10 thousand." I mean, would I enjoy being that famous to the point even one of my works would garner a $10k profit for me and the person who purchased it? Hell yea!π But, it still wouldn't be a nice feeling knowing someone bought something I spent a great deal of time, money, energy and stress on only to sit in anticipation waiting for me to die and make a "killing" off of it. Doesn't really sit well with me.
I know, I know. If I don't like the way the game is played, don't play it. Or, something like that π. Target audience, niche, etc. etc, etc. I'll do my best to define these things and play the game by whoevers rules (strange that artists, historical rule breakers and norm challengers, would set and force each other to follower rulesπ) in the hopes and dreams of making a living off of my art. Doubt it'll all ever make sense to me though.
Till next time MMP Fans!